Desert Storm ETC Update Log
1 January 1999, FridayI havn't done as much as I wanted to over the holidays, but I have reorganized a bit for better navigation and began a section about the FULDA GAP in Germany. My unit in Desert Storm (3d Armored Division) as well as most of the US Army prior to the Persian Gulf War was built, equiped and trained to fight the Soviets in Europe. Our rapid sucess in the desert was due in no small part to the great preparation and missions during the cold war in Europe like WARFIGHTER and SPEARHEAD SCRIMMAGE exercises. Places like OP Alpha near Fulda played as important a role in Germany as checkpoint Charlie did in Berlin. Anyway, the start of this section can be Found in the FULDA GAP section. I have included a link to the preview of my book in progress DESERT STORM: RECOLLECTIONS. I also was invited to speak at the Veterans Day Services on the 80th Aniversary of the 1918 armistice; I have included my speech on this site. I also made some other minor changes.
2 August 1998, SundayAdded an account from February 3d, 1991 - near the Saudi Border with the 4th Battalion 32d Armor, 3d Armored Division and a letter by one of the soldiers written to me shortly after action in the ground war. These can be found in the DESERT STORM RECOLLECTIONS section. I also made some other minor changes.
26 July 1998, SundayScanned in more select documents that were circulating in the Corps and Division area in Frankfurt, Germany and in Saudi including GENERAL ORDER #1 and a CONVOY strip map. I also changed some of the files from ADOBE PDF format into a GIF format which more people seem to be able to access. I scanned much of the papers at about 200% so they should print out nicely at about a 40-50% set-up on most printers. These are in the Notebook and Desert Storm Recollections sections. As usual, I made some other minor updates.Trying to get as much done as possible before the FALL Semester starts - next month- and my PRIMARY ELECTION which is set for mid September. Also, an Armor yellow background for this page SPEARHEAD!
23 July 1998, ThursdayI have began to scan in some select documents to try and offer an insight into the war from a soldiers perspective; in this case some of the many flyers that were circulating in the Corps and Division area in Frankfurt, Germany as we made preparations to deploy to the Gulf. Some of our people were already 'on the ground' in Saudi and most soldiers were packing up equipment, getting wills up-to-date, and preparing to head to the desert. These little pieces of SOLDIER HUMOR give a different look into the way that many troops were dealing with the reality of 'going to war.' These documents (in Adobe PDF format) are in the Notebook section. I made some other minor updates.
4 July 1998, Saturday - INDEPENDENCE DAY - 222 years
I have made some major updates including a dedication page and have added links for three excellent www sites - the 3d Armored Division Spearhead Cyber Kaserne page by Col. Rod Thomas - HQ 3AD and the Ready First Brigade web site by Brian Hathaway - 1st Brigade 3AD and the VOICE of IRON: The 143d Signal Brigade web site. I've added some background sounds (hope they work) and some update information about my American History teaching positions at two local colleges - plus my political life in the community. I've also included Chapter 8 from The Whirlwind War The United States Army in Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM - Published by The United States Army Center of Military History, which provides a good synopsis about the groundwar.
3 January 1998, SaturdayI have finally began to scan in some select stories from the 3d Armored Divisions Magazine SPEARHEAD, I made some other minor updates.
31 December 1997, WednesdayAnother modification in design which includes the book I am working on and some photos and the addition of another child I'm another update closer to what I will finally like. But, the biggest update is - I'm finished with school! Except for a couple of more History courses I want to take....the next task is to update links to other Desert Storm sites and to upload additional pages from of my journal. I've also added a reference section. Happy New Year!
27 July 1997, SundayModified page layout and design, updated and uploaded entire site. Didn't really add anything new. Hope this works!
Copyright © 1998, KM SCHMIDT-JENERETTE. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium is prohibited without permission. Always remember all of America's Veterans and those who didn't return from defending freedom. Thanks. "Spearhead! - Keep up the fire!" KMJ
This site was constructed with MAC OS on a Macintosh Power PC G3 tower using a combination of Adobe PageMill, Netscape Gold and BB edit lite. The sounds are best heard using QUICKTIME v3 or YAMAHA XG MIDI PLUG or CRESENDO plug-ins.
Information on Arlington Cemetery courtesy of:U.S. Army Military District of Washington
Fort McNair, D.C. 20319-5058
Telephone (202) 685-2892
The Gulf War Casualty Listings:
Many sources were used to compile information on the wars casualties including the excellent work by Andrew Leyden:
An After Action Report