


& Selections
from the book
31 January 1991. On the road to the Desert
February 1991. Sketch of Our Base Camp
February 3d, 1991. Near the Saudi Border with a US Army Armored Division platoon.
  March 1991. Letter from a soldier in the 3d Armored Division, US Army VII Corps.
  Iraqi Document. From a pile of items that were taken from some POWs.
GENERAL ORDER #1. First official ' how to act' order for us troops as we prepared to deploy to Saudi .
The Mechanized Camel. One of the many homegrown 'flyers' that began to appear in many units that were deploying to the Gulf.
  Arabic Phrases. A soldiers humorous list of 'useful' phrases.
  Join the Fight. A flyer that advocated turning Iraq into 'Glass' - in other words 'nuke'em. Homegrown art began to appear in most of the units that were deploying to the Gulf.
  Fight for Oil. A soldiers 'what we are fighting for ' homegrown cartoon. The soldiers knew why.
  Tour Saudi Arabia. A take a 'tour' leaflet for soldiers headed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the Fall of 1990.
  Convoy Map. A stripmap that was distributed at the port as we prepared to convoy toward KKMC. It was a long ... long ... trip ... with colored oil drums marking the route to eventually establish our base camp in the desert.
  Kuwaiti New Years Card 1991. A card printed by the AHEL AL-DIRAH KUWAITI SOCIETY. This card was given out in the MGM encampment/ hotel/ apartments to American soldiers in Dhahran around Christmas. The inside of the card - Greeting - was printed in three languages - French, English and Arabic.
NOV 90 Message.
Guidelines on release of unit information after it was announced that 3AD would be deploying to the middle east.(PDF)
  VOICE of IRON The 143d Sig. Battalion
  4th Squadron, 7th US Cavalry
  The Gulf War Debriefing Book
  DOD Gulf War Link
  Center for Military History
  Desert Storm on PBS
  US ARMY Homepage
  Military City ONLINE

by Katherine Schmidt-Jenerette 



Paper back: TBA

Hard cover: TBA

Availability: This title is undergoing final editing and review prior to publication.


Book version - 400 (+/-) pages - excerpts available on WWW
Number of visitors to WWW site: 10,500 (as of Dec 1998)

This book, once released, should prove to be an interesting mix of personnal experiences, soldiers 'combat' humor , sketches, documents and photographs from the 1991 Persian Gulf War. The author, a veteran of the war, has put together a great collection of war memorabilia which she gathered and wrote about from her own experiences as a member of the US Army's 3d Armored Division. Written from a soldiers point of view, Jenerette's work doesn't try to explain strategy or tactics, but focuses on her day-by-day life from late summer '90 thur her return to the states after the cease-fire. It is interesting to note that Jenerette has approaced the subject of her Persian Gulf War perspective as an ordinary 'soldier' and has not trumpeted the usual 'women-in-the-military' theme which seem so prevelant today. This could be due to her background as a 'military-brat' who saw service to country and other soldiers as the dominate theme of her subsequent works. No Gulf War military reference collection should be without the Gulf War: Recollections on its shelves. Her WWW site is a must see for anyone interested in Desert Storm and how it has had a profound impact on the participants - it includes a dedication and listing of the servicemen and women who were casualties of the war as well as links to other veterans sites.

About the Author
Katherine Jenerette, lives in South Carolina with her husband and three children. She served in Operation Desert Storm with the US Army 3d Armored Division, VII Corps. After coming home from the war in 1991 she attended the University of South Carolina, Coastal Carolina Campus on a Cross Country and Track scholarship and was named to the NCAA Track & Field Big South Conference in 1994.

She received her Masters Degree from the University of South Carolina, Columbia in 1997 and now teaches American History and Western Civilization at Brunswick Community College, NC. In addition to working on her book, Katherine is focusing her post-graduate studies in the area of Roman Military History.

Military City Online Review 
Desert Kate's Desert Storm Etcetera. "Desert Kate," aka Kate M. Schmidt-Jenerette, has written an engaging first-person account of her service with the 3d Armored Division during Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. This well-designed webpage also includes photos of her division in action and a related article that she published in Spearhead magazine. Unlike most webpages that include the typical long list of links, here recommended websites are rated with stars and reviews.

From the Author
I really began writting this book the day my unit was alerted to prepare for deployment to Saudi Arabia in fall of 1990. I kept a journal and wrote accounts of everything about the war that I could see - hear - touch or remember. I've got hundreds of pages of notes, hundreds of photos... documents... letters... clippings... tapes, etc. While the book has been a slow project I created my Desert Storm webpage a few years ago while I was working on my History degree at USC. Now that I'm teaching college history (some of my students were in elementary school during the Persian Gulf War) I realize how important primary sources are for, learning and getting the different perspectives about an event or person or place in a historical time period. This is my small view of the Gulf War in the Middle East. My viewpoint is different then an American tanker inside Iraq, or the Apache pilot during the attack, or the Supply sergeant back at the Saudi port. My objective is not to tell the complete story of Desert Storm, that would be impossible. But I can tell one small part of the story as a soldier who served in the Persian Gulf War of 1991.

Katherine Marie Schmidt-Jenerette
University of South Carolina, Post Graduate Studies

Feedback and Comments 
From: Melissa
Sent: 7/30/98 6:45 PM

Just wanted to say web site is terrific. I had some friends that went to Desert Storm and it is heartbreaking that we lost so many wonderful people. My husband spent three years at the 1/75th rgr bn and now we are at Ft. Campbell. I cannot wait to show him your site. Congrats on your studies and you have a beautiful family. I wish you the best.
Thanks, Melissa

From: B. Baduel
Sent: Sent: 1/17/98 1:27 AM

Love your web site....the best I have seen! I was living in Riyadh before and during the war...husband was DoD civilian. My family stayed during the war, then he was transferred to KKMC. I can so appreciate what you have posted. Thanks from another South Carolinian!

From: Sgt. Barry L. Johnson
Sent: 1/21/98 1:06 PM

I too was a trooper in the 3rd AD... I served under the 23rd ENG BN out of Hanau, GE. Everyday I wear my combat patch I know that I earned it. Currently I'm in the 82nd Airborne Division, but it's nothing like "SPEARHEAD". Great web site, take care.

From: SSG Eric Rider
Sent: 4/20/98 2:46 AM

You have a very nice site can especially appreciate the picture of the burn barrel looks like latrine duty. My name is Eric Rider/SSG Rider USAR. I was in Saudi during Shield and Storm. 915th Transportation, 544 FSG, 43rd Support, 1st Cav.-Been there done that Log Base E. Speaking to 30 6th graders studying Saudi tomorrow looking for reference material. Keep up the good work!

From: Lisa Martin
Sent: 2/12/98 8:42 PM
Subject: WOW!

I just want to say WOW! I too served with 3AD--(C co. 54th FSB in Friedberg) buy I must say how refreshing it is to hear positive accounts from a female veteran rather than the bitching and moaning I've mostly heard. Your pictures look very familiar to me, it looks like we've been to the same places. I used to date a guy that worked for headquarters in Frankfurt so I've been there before (You probably know "Randy" who worked in replacement). Is your book currently in publication? Where would I find it? So have you stayed in the Guard or Reserves? I chose to stay in the National Guard (Texas) and still love the Army, but I am glad to do it on a part time basis only. I have a 4 year old son and couldn't imagine being gone now like I was back then. I have to say again how nice it is to hear positive things from a female--I thought I was the only one who hadn't been sexually harassed or repressed in some way (Just Joking). Keep up the good work!!!

From: Robert Shockley
Sent: 1/22/98 10:38 AM

Just a quick letter to say that you've got an awesome website. I enjoyed it very much. Looks like we shared some of the same dirt over there. I was with the 92nd MP Co. After we left the MGM, we went to Log Base Echo, where we were one of the first units to set up out there. Had no idea what our role would be in the upcoming "show", just knew we didn't want to get stuck in "the rear w/ the gear". Imagine our surprise when we got orders attaching us to HHC, 1st Bde, 3rd AD. Spent the rest of the war w/ them, finishing up doing refugee/EPW stuff in Safwan, southern Iraq. In the end, our Brigade cdr tried to get orders for our combat patch to be from his brigade (we were attached to his brigade too), but we freaked and insisted on (and got) our SPEARHEAD patch. I'm very proud of it. Sorry to hear about your friend and the landmine. There were quite a few incidents like that. I was sent to the scene of an incident in Safwan, where a TC cav guy picked up a cluster bomblet and had his leg blown-off. Not sure if he made it or not. He was in really bad shape. I've always wondered if he made it, but the only thing I remember about him is that I believe his name was Roy (from a tattoo on his arm). We also lost some troops, 2 females. One was in a traffic accident, the other in a freak drowning accident in Dharhan. She was a Ssg, single mother of 2. Totally sad, but that's war, I suppose. I know I'll never forget her though, and hope someday to be able to find her kids to tell them they can be proud of their mother. I'm glad you've done well since then. Keep up with the web page!

From: Frank and Patrick
Sent: 2/5/98 10:21 PM
Subject: Need Information

I have read your Desert Storm information and need a little bit more. I am from Annuciation Catholic Academy in 8th grade and I am doing a project on Desert Storm. If by any chance did you have any information on poems wrote during the War and even maybe a song wrote during the war . If so mail me back please. Thank-you very much, Frank and Patrick



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